Alphonso 5/21/19

Dried Edamame 5/21/19

Snack Tip: Blain’s Farm & Fleet Dried Edamame. It’s good and crunchy and probably not terrible for you!

WWII Haversack 5/21/19

I don’t use this thing, so I pulled it out to put it up on eBay, but I really do think it’s cool. Just not my particular style.

//BNJMN (5/21/19): I’m concerned I’m becoming a hoodie person. I used to not be a hoody person, but I’ve probably worn a hoodie every day for a week.

Wild Sumac (I think) 5/20/19

Volga Lake 5/20/19

Damp & Cold 5/19/19

It’s a glum day out there, very glum.

Lemon-Lime VW 5/19/19

Sleepy, Lazy Boy 5/19/19

Buff-N-Shine 5/18/19

Thank you Steve for your very good sign.

//BNJMN (5/18/19): The only thing worse than no WiFi is WiFi that pretends it’s your friend, but disappears right when you’re trying to find a cute picture of a chinchilla wearing a birthday hat

Uhg...Selfies 5/17/19

I feel quite uncomfortable taking and posting selfies, but I feel like they are good markers of time and existence and I will appreciate them when I am old.

//BNJMN (5/17/19): I dozed off in a creepy aspen grove in the woods today and when I woke up I was very lost and confused and I think I’m haunted now.

Secret Boat 5/17/19

I found a cool boat. I am a captain now?

//BNJMN (5/17/19): The best thing about low-sodium potato chips is that they’re still awful, but cause a marginally reduced amount of personal guilt.

Damaged Flower 5/17/19

Back Alley 5/16/19

Lilac Season 5/16/19

Storm Front 5/16/19

Spooooooky Tree 5/15/19

Purple Sunrise 5/15/19

American Redstart 5/14/19

//BNJMN (5/14/19): I’ve been spending a lot of time at Echo Valley and Glover’s Creek recently, trying to keep active. Good excuse to take photos

Blossom 5/14/19

These trees smelled amazing

Toad Friend 5/14/19

Lonely Barn 5/13/19

//BNJMN (5/13/19): Boy did I sleep not good last night. Gonna be a looong morning.

On a Walk with Mom 5/12/19

//BNJMN (5/12/19): Made some updates to my posting workflow. I was experimenting with having my photo posts auto-syndicated to twitter, but wasn’t really happy with that. Now I have it so my photo upload shortcut gives me the choice to tweet the photo, and put in custom text, to make the tweet feel more native.

I also implemented a drafts shortcut to dual-post an aside as a tweet if I want to. I should probably do the same thing for link posts…