The new place 8/15/21

The city 8/15/21

4829 N Rockwell 8/9/21

Paste Wax 8/4/21

One of my favorite packaging designs in the world

Refinishing table 8/4/21

Ellen And Big Duck 7/29/21

Bird Watcher 7/18/21

Montrose Pier 7/16/21

Keyboard Duck 7/14/21

The first arrival 7/12/21

Incubating duck eggs 7/12/21

Bluegrass Band 7/10/21

Got kombucha at Impact and there was a bluegrass band playing upstairs and they were tons of fun.

The herd 7/10/21

Went biking on the trout run trail in Decorah and these guys watched.

Catching Rain Drops 7/9/21

Puddle ducks 7/7/21

Trip to the vet 7/7/21

Copilot 7/7/21

Nose 7/4/21

Mom’s new Friend 7/4/21

Under the bridge 7/4/21

Lilly 7/4/21

Kayaking at George Wythe with Tom

Rolling Hills 6/30/21

Dewy leaves 6/29/21

Clover 6/29/21

Otter Creek 6/29/21

Dramatic Sunset 6/29/21

Took this after a hike at Otter Creek, where I got utterly soaked.

Big clouds 6/29/21

Pretty leaves 6/27/21

Walter Shaking 6/27/21

Louisa Mae 6/27/21

Deep thought 6/26/21

Playing Camel Up with the family.

Evening hike 6/24/21

Sunset 6/20/21

Three fluffy cats 6/20/21

The top floor 6/20/21

From Motor mill 6/20/21

Sliver of a rainbow 6/20/21